A movement for local businesses
who believe local food matters.
A Feast On® certification proves you’re fighting the good fight. It lets your customer know that by choosing your experience, they’re supporting Ontario’s food system too.
And, it comes with some pretty sweet marketing benefits.

Want to see who’s already certified?
Who Qualifies?
Any business with a forward facing consumer experience, showcasing a taste of local:
Restaurants, food trucks, or popups
Craft beverage producers with a tasting room
Event venues
Guided culinary or agritourism experiences, food tours, or cooking schools
Retail/grocery businesses, farm stands
Accommodations and attractions with a culinary element
Businesses must provide proof that their procurement practices meet the following standards:
Food procurement:
25% of total annual food receipts reflect Ontario grown and raised food purchases.
Alcohol offerings, including zero-proof options (if applicable):
Offer one Ontario red wine AND one Ontario white wine by the glass
Either of these two options:
25% of total annual alcohol receipts reflect Ontario-made beverage purchases, OR
At least 25 items from Ontario if you have a substantial beverage menu
Businesses also much agree to the Feast On® Manifesto.
The Manifesto
As a Feast On® certified business, I commit to:
Procure Ontario food and drink whenever possible
Identify the provenance of Ontario food and drink on the menu
Track and trace Ontario food and drink purchases
Develop Ontario’s culinary identity by championing local, seasonal products
Educate the public about Ontario food and drink
What’s Involved in the Certification Process?
Feast On® certification is awarded and renewed annually based on average yearly procurement practices and a dedication to celebrating local and seasonal Ontario products. We support those who may fall shy to achieve certification whenever possible.
Fees start at $500+HST per year per location.
Start by contacting us via the form below. Our team will send instructions on how to fill out the audit and how to pay the certification fee.
The information collected in your certification audit is verified by the Culinary Tourism Alliance.
We begin work on your landing page on ontarioculinary.com and other program benefits (listed below).
Businesses maintain their certification year-over-year by paying the certification fee and submitting certification audit annually.
Network Benefits
Certification adds credibility for your sourcing and/or production practices; it identifies you as a values-based, community-forward, local business and grants you access to a supportive network of like-minded folks that are proven to help grow your business.
You also receive:
An official certificate of designation
Feast On® Logo rights and promotional materials
Subscription to the monthly Feast On® industry newsletter
Personalized intros to Feast On® Purveyors
Exclusive event opportunities
Invitations and discounts to industry events and workshops
Marketing Benefits
Unique profile on ontarioculinary.com including direct link to online booking (if applicable)
Feature in one of our weekly consumer newsletters (approximately 8,000 subscribers)
Opportunity to submit content for sharing on our Ontario Culinary platforms (blog content, social media content)
Opportunity to submit consumer events to our online calendar

Feast On®
Gift Vouchers
Feast On® Gift Vouchers were designed to directly support the Feast On® network.
When someone presents a voucher at your business, simply have your staff log into the redemption platform and enter the serial number. We then reimburse you for the amount of the voucher - funds are sent directly to your bank account!
Easy as pie.