Feast On® the Farm Industry Day:
Niagara Benchlands

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

9:00am - 5:00pm

Bench Brewing Company


Get ready for a full day of learning in the Niagara Benchlands. Featuring inspiring workshops, industry-led presentations, dynamic discussions, and of course - a delicious lunch. The event will be an exciting opportunity to introduce the new Executive Chef at Fieldstone at Bench, Chef John Black.

This jam-packed afternoon also features a ‘meet the supplier’ tradeshow program with tons of networking opportunities for you to connect or reconnect with fellow industry experts, colleagues, and potential new suppliers. Did we mention that the afternoon wraps up with a thirst-quenching cocktail reception in the Fieldstone Church?

TICKETS: $60+HST, includes a $25 Feast On® voucher 


9:00 Welcome
9:35 Meet the Maker
Matt Giffen | Founder
Bench Brewing Company
10:25 Climate Proofing your Business for Future Success – A Tactical Approach
Shannon Fernandez | Climate Change Coordinator
Environmental Services, Town of Lincoln
11:05 Quick Break
11:10 Re-Igniting the Benchlands – Be the Spark!
Jennifer Wilhelm | Hospitality Ambassador
12:10 Lunch by Chef John Black, Fieldstone at Bench
1:00 2022 State of the Ontario Tourism Industry Report
Dr. Jessica Ng, Director | Policy & Government Affairs
Caitlyn Drexler | Senior Policy Analyst
Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO)
1:45 Feast On®: Creating Food Tourism Events through a Sustainable Lens
Astrid Di Paolo | Programs Coordinator
2:00 -
(Simultaneous with afternoon sessions)
2:20 Quick Break
2:30 Growing the Niagara Benchlands – 2023 Forecast & Activities
Britnie Bazylewski | Tourism Coordinator
3:25 Wrap up and cocktail reception

Keynote Speakers

Britnie Bazylewski
Town of Lincoln

Building the Benchlands – Growing Tourism in Lincoln in 2023

Shannon Fernandes
Town of Lincoln

Climate Proofing your Business for Future Success – A Tactical Approach

Jennifer Wilhelm
Tourism and Hospitality Instructor

Re-Igniting the Benchlands - Be the Spark.

Dr. Jessica Ng
Tourism Industry Association of Ontario

2022 State of the Ontario Tourism Industry Report

Caitlyn Drexler
Tourism Industry Association of Ontario

2022 State of the Ontario Tourism Industry Report

Matt Giffen
Bench Brewing Company

Fireside Chat:
Meet the Maker

Astrid Di Paolo
Culinary Tourism Alliance

Feast On®: Creating Food Tourism Events through a Sustainable Lens