Gabrielle Mueller

Marketing Manager

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Food was made to be a connector and Gabby believes that there’s nothing more powerful than sitting around a table (preferably with a few craft beers) to connect people. Growing up in Oxford County, local food was something Gabby always had access to but never appreciated until much later. Food’s ability to be a force for change in the environment, in social interactions and beyond has pushed her to understand that food is much more than something you eat.  

With an Honors BA majoring in history from Trent University and a Master’s in Public History from Western University, Gabby spent a few years working in the museums and archives world before realizing that she was missing one thing: people! Falling accidentally into the tourism world when hired to do some freelance work on the Oxford County Cheese Trail for Tourism Oxford, Gabby quickly realized that she doesn’t just love working with people, she loves telling their stories. Luckily, her background in history prepared her for all the writing that comes along with that!

Six years (and many cheese curds) later, Gabby’s work with Tourism Oxford grew to full-on content creation. Leading the charge on social media, blogging, vlogging and website content, she quickly fell in love with tourism’s ability to help food producers rediscover their passion and to help their local community. 

During her time with Tourism Oxford, Gabby also became a certified Experiential Tourism coach through Southwestern Ontario Tourism Corporation’s Unlocked and Inspired Coaching Program and has become completely enamoured with helping businesses create meaningful experiences to change how people see travel. She has played a role in getting several experiences to market including the award-winning Tree to Table experience which has won Ontario’s Best Culinary Experience at the provincial and regional levels. 

Gabby started as Digital Media Coordinator at the Culinary Tourism Alliance, and has since been promoted to Marketing Manager. Gabby can’t wait to dive in and begin telling stories from across the province. 

Gabby recommends:

  • Eating cheese curds by the fistful along the Oxford County Cheese Trail

  • A swim and delightful bowl of potato salad at Inchedony Beach in County Cork Ireland 

  • Joining Chef Jenni Lessard on her Field to Shield experience through Northern Saskatchewan